Have You Been In A Recent Car Accident?

Call an accident attorney before talking to an insurance adjuster. The attorney works for you, the insurance adjuster does not.

Most Common Injuries From Car Crashes

Whether your injuries after a car accident are mild, moderate, or severe, it’s crucial to seek medical care. Adrenaline can stop the pain and discomfort of injuries showing up for hours and, by then, some serious damage can be done.

Some car accident injuries don’t present themselves to be serious for weeks, either, so a full check- up can ensure you’ve got a handle on all possible symptoms and injuries. This check-up also provides documented proof of your suffering.

Some of the more common motor vehicle accident injuries that people call a car accident lawyer for include:



Whiplash, the common term for an injury to the soft tissues of your neck and upper back, occurs most often after a rear-end collision. It’s caused by an intense flexing and extension of the neck, which happens in a fraction of a second during a car crash.

Brain Injury & Head Injuries

Head and brain injuries, including concussions, can be incredibly dangerous. Internal injuries, such as bleeding and swelling, skull fractures or lacerations that require plastic surgery to fix, need to be diagnosed immediately following a crash – otherwise the symptoms can worsen and become life-threatening.

Broken Bones

Broken bones are common in car crashes because of the sheer amount of force a collision generates. They’re extremely painful, and they can sometimes require surgery to fix. Broken bones take a long time to heal, too, which means you could be out of work for weeks.

Organ Damage

Seatbelts, airbags and direct collisions can cause severe organ damage and internal bleeding. It’s imperative that you see a doctor immediately after a crash, even if you think you’re not injured; many people simply go home after a crash when they should be evaluated by a doctor to rule out life-threatening internal injuries such as organ damage.

Spinal Injuries

Spinal injuries can cause paralysis or loss of sensation in your lower body. The severity of the damage can take time to manifest, which means you may not even realize you’re badly hurt until long after the crash.

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Are You Entitled to Financial Compensation?


The last thing on most people’s minds when they are involved in a car accident is seeking the help of a car accident lawyer. But perhaps it should be. If you are injured or disadvantaged in a collision, you could be entitled to financial compensation.

There are six million car accidents in the United States annually, and half of these result in disability or injury. With medical bills, family stress, and lost wages, a car accident lawyer may be able to seek the compensation you might be owed for your recovery process.

Seek Help From A Car Accident Lawyer

A car accident attorney in Texas can be the light at the end of a very long tunnel for many automobile accident victims. Even the smallest injury from a collision can cause a lifetime of suffering. But while you’re resting up, a car accident lawyer can be fighting the good fight on your behalf.

Your chosen attorney can visit you in hospital, find out the facts, and even talk to witnesses who may have seen what happened. If necessary, they can handle insurance adjusters on your behalf and protect your rights.

Common Causes of Car Accidents in Texas

Most car crashes are preventable, but they usually boil down to three common causes:

Drunk Driving

Drunk drivers put everyone on the road at risk, and no matter how strict our laws become, there are still people out every day endangering you and your family.

Speeding & Reckless Driving

The faster a driver is going, the more dangerous his or her vehicle becomes. It only takes a fraction of a second to cause an accident that changes someone’s life forever.

Distracted Driving

Texting, fiddling with the radio or posting on social media while driving can kill – but drive down I-10 for more than 5 minutes and you’ll see a half-dozen people doing it.

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