Was There A Cause For Your Slip & Fall Accident?

Before you give a statement to an insurance adjuster, talk to a personal injury attorney.

Can You File A Slip And Fall Lawsuit?

Slips and falls are common in every establishment, but how do you know yours couldn’t have been prevented? Sometimes, slip and fall accidents, which can be known as premises liability, can cause serious injuries. In that case, it can be worth your time to talk to a slip and fall lawyer in Texas. With the right expert on your side, you may get the financial compensation you deserve.

In the state of Texas, you may be eligible to file a slip and fall lawsuit if you fell on someone else’s property, and it resulted in injuries. However, your attorney must be able to prove that a property owner’s negligence led to your slip and fall and resultant injuries.

Have you suffered a slip, trip, or fall? Now might be the time to contact a Texas lawyer and file a slip and fall lawsuit today.

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Common Injuries From Slip And Fall Accidents

Slipping and falling at a property or business can do more than bruise your ego. It can also cause a range of life-altering injuries that can result in financial losses and ongoing hardship. Even though they can happen anywhere and anytime, the risk may be decreased through careful business practices. The most common injuries are:

Brain Injury & Head Injuries

Head and brain injuries, including concussions, can be incredibly dangerous. Internal injuries, such as bleeding and swelling, skull fractures or lacerations that require plastic surgery to fix, need to be diagnosed immediately following a crash – otherwise the symptoms can worsen and become life-threatening.

Broken Bones

Broken bones are common in car crashes because of the sheer amount of force a collision generates. They’re extremely painful, and they can sometimes require surgery to fix. Broken bones take a long time to heal, too, which means you could be out of work for weeks.

Organ Damage

Seatbelts, airbags and direct collisions can cause severe organ damage and internal bleeding. It’s imperative that you see a doctor immediately after a crash, even if you think you’re not injured; many people simply go home after a crash when they should be evaluated by a doctor to rule out life-threatening internal injuries such as organ damage.

Spinal Injuries

Spinal injuries can cause paralysis or loss of sensation in your lower body. The severity of the damage can take time to manifest, which means you may not even realize you’re badly hurt until long after the crash.
The Most Common Causes Of Slips, Trips, And Falls
The most common reason for people filing slip and fall lawsuits is a failure to provide a safe environment for them as a visitor or customer. Some of the most common things that businesses can do to result in slips, falls, and similar injuries are:
  • Failing to remove ice from walkways and stairways – winter hazards can be rectified by careful business owners.
  • Failing to clean up spills or warn visitors and guests that a hazard exists – a business owner should clean up the spill immediately or place a “Caution: Wet Floor” sign by the spill as a warning to take care.
  • Failure to mark dangerous areas – any area of a business or property that poses a risk should be marked out clearly.
  • Poor lighting – failure to provide decent lighting in a property or business can result in slips and falls when people can’t see obstacles or hazards.

Do You Have Evidence?

Name & Phone Numbers | Medical Records | Pictures
You should always avoid giving recorded statements to insurance companies – and that includes your own insurance company. Insurance adjusters are in the business of saving their company’s money, and that may mean they will look for a reason to avoid providing you with fair compensation.

Evidence in Your Slip and Fall Case

To be successful in a slip and fall claim, you need as much evidence as possible to prove that a property owner or manager failed to take all feasible precautions to keep you safe. If you have just suffered a slip and fall accident, now is the time to be gathering that evidence.

Evidence can consist of:

  • Names and phone numbers from the witnesses
  • Medical records relating to your slip and fall injuries – at the time and later
  • Pictures of your injuries and the scene of the accident
  • Witness information
  • Clothing and footwear from the accident

It’s also crucial to avoid giving recorded statements to both your own insurance company and that of the other party. Remember, insurance adjusters on both sides of the fence are in the business of saving their company money. As a result, they may look for a reason to avoid providing you with the compensation you deserve.

Instead, compile your evidence and consult a Texas slip and fall attorney. They can then get the ball rolling on the next best step, which might involve filing a slip and fall lawsuit.

Proving Fault In A Slip And Fall

Filing a slip and fall claim can require an experienced person injury lawyer who understands the law and how to fight for appropriate financial compensation. Sometimes, it can be challenging to prove who is at fault, so the first job of your injury firm is to establish whether the accident was preventable in some way.

In filing a slip and fall claim, your Texas lawyer may have to show:


The owner or person in charge of the property knew about the danger but failed to repair or rectify it.


The owner or person in charge of the property should have known about the danger that led to your slip and fall accident. That’s because someone else in the same position would have identified the danger and fixed it.


The property owner or manager in charge of caring for it caused the dangerous condition in the first place, leading to your slip and fall injury.

What Are The Property Owner And Visitor’s Responsibilities?

The Owner

A responsible business or property owner takes all possible steps to keep their visitors safe. Otherwise, slips and falls can happen that lead to severe injuries with disastrous consequences. Business owners owe their guests a safe environment. This can include making sure floors, stairways, aisles, and anywhere customers can walk are free from slipping, tripping, and falling hazards. The business or property must also be free from other hazards that can harm any visitors or shoppers by accident. Unfortunately, not all businesses and property owners do right by their customers and visitors. As a result, accidents happen that can cause serious injuries.

The Shopper or Visitor

Some of the responsibility also falls on the shoulders of the visitor. Visitors to an establishment need to be on the lookout for warning signs. These could be signs that say things like “Do Not Enter” and “Caution: Wet Floor.”

Whether you’re at home recovering or still in the hospital, a slip and fall lawyer is just a phone call away. At J. Alexander Law Firm, we can visit you and walk you through the steps for filing a slip and fall lawsuit to potentially get you the compensation you deserve. Contact us today for more information!